Pérez Law, PC is a law firm that represents plaintiffs who have been suffered personal injuries in California caused by car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, slips and falls, physical or sexual assaults, dog bites, and animal attacks, including wrongful deaths and catastrophic injuries.

    We have a reputation for providing our clients with aggressive and effective representation in order to achieve the best possible result in each case. The goal of every insurance adjuster is to save the insurance company as much money as possible, and adjusters are far more likely to try to take advantage ...


    Pérez Law, PC is a law firm that represents workers who have been injured on the job. The California workers’ compensation system is complicated and difficult to navigate, and workers’ compensation insurance companies fight aggressively in order to pay as little as possible and provide the bare minimum of medical treatment. The workers’ compensation system was designed by the insurance companies, and they have at their disposal legally valid tactics to deny your case, deny or delay your medical treatment and benefits, and send you to doctors who will give you reports that favor the insurance company’s interests...


    Sexual harassment and assault is much more common than most people think, especially in the workplace. While the public has only recently become more aware of the prevalence of these abuses thanks to the #MeToo movement, federal and state law has long recognized that victims of sexual assault need to be protected and remedies created to provide compensation. Both men and women can be victims of unwanted touching, verbal and visual harassment, assaults, and rape.

    Oftentimes out of fear of losing their job, victims will keep quiet about these abuses and sometimes even submit to unwanted sexual activity ...


    An incident of child sexual abuse is a detestable crime that can cause long-lasting, painful mental and emotional damage to a child victim. The majority of sexual crimes against children are committed by people who the child knows and trusts, and the child can feel reluctant to speak about this abuse for fear of negative repercussions.

    We at Pérez Law have experience with cases of child sexual abuse and assault, and we can take on the legal burden and fight for the justice your child deserves, whether he/she has been abused by a teacher, family member, babysitter, etc. Not only have we won millions of dollars for our child ...